Sunday, July 11, 2010

something to think about

First, I'd like to say "happy birthday" to my dear friend Jamie, she turned 29 today. =)

Since subscribing to netflix, Tim and I watch a lot of movies, especially ones on instant play. Some are duds and some are actually quite good. Last night we saw No Impact Man, which is a documentary about a couple that decides to dedicate a year to experiment what it would be like to try to live a life with minimal negative impact on earth. This entailed hand washing clothes with borax and baking soda, eliminating electricity, eating locally, not producing trash, composting, walking or cycling, making their own cleaning products including shampoo, just to name a few. With the BP oil spill and proliferation of global warming it makes sense for us to think about how we can make earth a better place to live, not only for ourselves, but for our children as well. From a Christian standpoint, it makes even more sense to live sustainably and do what we can to perserve God's creation. Here are two verses from the bible about our stewardship of the earth:

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (Genesis 2:15)

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live.... You shall not defile the land in which you live, in which I also dwell; for I the LORD dwell among the Israelites." (Numbers 35:33-34)

After watching the movie, Tim and I had a series of conversation about what we can do to live more sustainably. We found a few areas we could immediately start on such as food, cleaning products and electricity. We're thinking about limiting the use of electricity from 6pm and on at least once a week. We're going to leave the refrigerator plugged in because we don't want to spoil our food, but we won't watch TV, turn on the lights or use appliances. We're taking baby steps and gradually making changes because we want to eventually make them permanent. We have much to learn and by no means am I judging the way others live. I'm simply interested in what I can do and hope that we all take a little time to think about our impact on the environment. 


achtungchristy said...

you guys are too cute and too cool! i admire your resolve!

Tina said...

thanks christy! tim and i are planning on going up to sf sometime in october. i hope we could meet up then. =)

achtungchristy said...

that's so far away! i'd love to see you guys. i'm also expecting to go down to l.a. later this month and in september too. will have to catch up then also.