Sunday, August 22, 2010

Flying Trapeze


I took a trapeze class today at the Santa Monica Pier and found it to be really fun and exhilarating.

Welcome Back Flowers

I went away for just one night to Ventura County for a women's retreat and when I got back home Saturday night, I found a bouquet of Iris sitting on the dining table. My dear husband told me he bought them to welcome me back home. I feel blessed to be married to such a sweet man. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Here's another blogger talking about No Impact Man. She has decided to not purchase commercially packaged food. That means making your own bread for sandwiches, soaking and boiling beans at home and even making your own jam. I haven't been able to do the no electricity past 6pm all that well...I kind of need it since I'm still in school working on papers and assignments.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

summer meals

last night's vegetarian dinner

close up of the yellow summer squash boat stuffed with rice

my picture of the dish made at home
Real Simple's version  

Japanese summer noodles