Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mark Rothko

I love me some Mark Rothko. One of my favorite things to do is to sit silently in front of a Rothko for 10 minutes. I get absorbed into the painting, the color, the scale and everything else doesn't matter in that moment. Art is a tricky thing...it's subjective. For example, my husband finds Judy Fox sculptures that I posted about weird and gross. I find them beautiful and interesting. Some think Mark Rothko's paintings are easy to do. They say, "anyone can do them, just give me some paint and a canvas". I think he's a genius and a master color theorist.

On another note, I started my internship this week. I knew I would be tired, but I didn't realize just how tired I would be. I just need to get used to waking up at 5:30am and being on my feet all day. Aside from my calves getting a workout my brain is pumping some major iron as well. I am trying to soak in everything I can. Honestly, I am really enjoying my internship. I enjoy being with the other interns, observing/learning from my CI and interacting pts.

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