Friday, April 16, 2010

food, food, food

  1. Rice flavored with sushi vinegar powder, sesame oil, and furikake seasoning eaten with roasted seaweed and kimchi
  2. Favorite snack from the OT snack room, Kashi crunch protein bar- this is damn good 
My posts are usually about food, and this can seem redundant, but I can't help life revolves around food. I love eating, I love cooking, I love looking at recipes and pictures of food and I LOVE reading through an entire cookbook page by page. You can expect to see a food magazine or a cookbook on my bedside table. 

People told me that I would automatically lose some weight once I started school...umm, not if you're going to an OT program where you participate in 2 cultural food events and  your sweet teacher brings brownies and shortbread cookies and your awesome classmates bring you lollipops, chocolate bars, chocolate covered nuts, chocolates for Easter, and the list goes on...if anything I gained weight!

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