Friday, November 16, 2012

Keeping Busy

I'm officially 37 weeks pregnant today. I can't believe I'm so close to meeting my baby. I'm super excited! In the meantime I've been trying to keep myself busy with a few projects. I decided to give my niece and nephews their Christmas gifts in handmade stockings. I also made stockings for my in-laws and brother-in-law. The only 2 left that I still need to make would be for me and my husband. Here are the stockings:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Who will she look like?

Min (Tim's brother), mother-in-law, & Tim




looking dazed and confused
Tim and I often talk about who Emerson will look like. Will she be a combo of both Tim and me or will she look more like Tim or more like me? I think Tim was such a cute baby and he's so handsome to me right now so if she looked like her dad, then I would be happy. There are certain things that I really hope she inherits from Tim such as his height, his slim-fit body, and his hands. However, I wouldn't mind if she had my eyes or my nose (even though I hated my nose growing up). I think Emerson might be born with a full head of hair. In both our baby pictures, we both have major fro action going on, lol.