My baby isn't a baby anymore. She's a toddler! It all happened so fast. I remember when we brought her home from the hospital. Those first initial months felt SO long. I often wondered when she will be old enough to sleep through the night, feed herself, start talking, walking etc. How foolish of me not to cherish and live in the moment because time really does pass by quickly and now I wish I could turn back time and relive those moments. She is now talking non-stop. She's very kind and sweet to others. Yesterday I took her to the library and before we left she proceeded to give every single kid in the toddler corner a hug. I felt that some parents might not like her hugging their kid so I told Eme to give them a high five instead. So she gave them high fives, even the kid that shoved her head. My prayer daily for Eme is to continue being sweet and compassionate towards others. I also pray that she may learn to know God's love share that with others.
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