Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer session is almost over. Next Wednesday is my last day and finals day. So far I enjoyed abnormal psychology. I hope I can add Human Anatomy and Chemistry for fall session. Since I already have my BA, I get last priority when it comes time to adding classes. I have to physically go to all the classes during the first week of school and hope that some students don't show up so that the instructor could add me. It's a pain in the butt, because I'm nervous that I won't be able to get the classes I need. Working and going to school at the same time has been giving me a good kick in the arse, but I'm getting through it. Everyday I come to the fact that I can't do this on my own. Instead of worrying so much about my future I should lift it up to Him. It would be much easier if I could do that automatically, but sometimes I forget that He's there.

When I come across other people that are going through very similar decision processes and career changes like me, it makes me feel a lot better. Today, I came across someone almost in the same situation as me. We both come from creative backgrounds, yet we're going into the medical field. Several people said doubtful comments to me like, "you're a painter, do you think you'll do well in your science classes?" or "You're a creative person, why are you going in that field?" Comments like that annoy me. I don't know if I'll do well, but I'm going to try damn hard. I know that they're just worried and looking out for me, but seriously- no thanks. Let's all try to think positively. I have met people in my class that are over 40 and making career changes as well. They haven't been in school for a very long time. Seeing them in class with me inspires me to do well.

Going off topic now...I leave you with this:


Irene said...
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Irene said...

thanks for your comment on my blog. i think people who go into OT have to be creative to make activities interesting for the patients, especially if you're a school-based OT with very little funds (i.e. shoe box OT).

i didn't come from a science-y background either, but i think that's a good thing. we need more well-rounded people in the health profession. we bring a little humanity :).